Group Of Sri Lankan Women Lawyers Participated For FIDA - Europe Regional Convention Held In United Kingdom.
On an invitation from the Country Vice President of FIDA (Federation International for Women Lawyers) – UK, Ms Jessie Nwabueze, the Country Vice President of FIDA Sri Lanka and the immediate past president of the Sri Lanka Women Lawyers’ Association Ms Ridmika Dep participated for the above convention held in London, United Kingdom, in September 2013. Along with Ms Dep, the office bearers of the Sri Lanka Women Lawyers’ Association Ms Sandhya Thalduwa (Co-Vice President), Ms Pramuditha Senaratne (Secretary), Ms Swarna Jayaweera (Treasurer), Ms Priyadarshani Gunasena (Assistant Treasurer), Ms Sudishna Perusinghe, and another two Sri Lankan Women Lawyers whom are presently live in UK, Ms Nisanka Karunathilake and Ms Anita Amendra were also participated and represented Sri Lanka.
Women Lawyers from many parts of the world participated for the above Convention and the theme for the above convention was “Gender Equality and International Protection of Human Rights a myth or Reality: Progress new focus, challengers and a way forward to empowerment of women, Girls and family in today’s world. Several distinguish speakers delivered valuable speeches and discussed issues based on sex discrimination in work place, surrogacy, Monitoring a formidable Global Agenda and a way forward to empowerment of women, girls and family in today's world, legal aid cuts to women's access to justice etc. Ms Ridmika Dep and Ms Pramuditha Senaratne were appointed to the Panel discussion and both of them delivered speeches explaining about the Sri Lankan Laws relating to "Domestic Violence" and "Child Protection". This event was a great tribute to our mother land, and an evidence of Global recognition for the Sri Lankan Women Lawyers.
Our Executive Committee members who participated
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