Legal Awareness Program/Workshop Held In Wakare In Batticaloa District, Eastern Province.
The above Program was organized by the Sri Lanka Women Lawyer’s Association collaboration withthe Officer-in- Charge and the other officers of the Police Station, Wakare. This occasion was graced by the Hon. District Judge of Valachchanai Mr. Mohamed Riyalas the Chief Guest.
The arrival of the Chief Guest Mr. Mohamed Riyal- Hon. District Judge of Valachchanai
The aim of this event was to educate the young children specificallythe girls under the age of 16 yearsand to enlighten them on thelaws relating to the marriages, mainly on child marriages which iscommonly seen in the Eastern Province. The illegalitiesof such marriages, the punishments which carry with such marriages were discussed in great detail.
Further there was a segment which focused on the health issues which is faced by young Mothers and the risk to the baby and the mother etc.
Some of the Leading Lawyers and Medical Practitioners including Medical Health Officer of the area participated and delivered valuable speeches.The floor was opened for the participants to bring forward their experiences and issues and the event was concluded with adiscussion where the children and their mothers took part.
This Program was conducted under the guidance of Mrs. Sandhya Thalduwa Co-Vice President of the Association, ASP & Attorney-at-Law Mr. Nihal Thalduwa and Mr. Palitha Jayaratne Officer in Charge of Police Station Wakare. I must thank our Past president Mrs. Padma De Silva for her support renderedwith her ability to converse in the Tamil language.
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